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Build Your Home - Overview

  • At Paradise Valley we have a range of lots and acreages for sale for you to build the home of your dreams. Whether you wish to have an estate size home with a three or four car garage and a workshop or a charming country cottage, we have the right lot for you.


  • Homeowners are invited to participate in this lifestyle community that spans the Little Saskatchewan River Valley. It is an exceptional opportunity to live in harmony with nature. 

  • The overall architectural character of our development is to be comprised of distinct and definable Classic North American Residential Styles. We invite you to choose a home plan that compliments the unique natural setting.

  • The Developer has taken great strides to carefully plan and develop the first stages of this exceptional development. AVIDA has created guidelines to ensure the continued preservation and enhancement of the unique characteristics of this community.


  • Our Architectural & Property Guidelines have been developed to encourage high standards of architectural home design, finish and landscaping as well as promote reasonable land use throughout the community that protects the natural setting.

  • These guidelines are in place to ensure the quality of the community remains intact, therefore protecting and enhancing one of your largest investments – your home.

  • Paradise Valley Resort community in Manitoba is a “Low Impact Development” (LID). The primary goal of LID is to prevent measurable harm to rivers, streams, wetlands and natural vegetation.

  • In keeping with the low impact philosophy, the intent of the over all development is to take advantage of the physical characteristics of each site.

  • Homeowners choosing lots that are currently heavily treed will be encouraged to design around the existing vegetation making reasonable effort to conserve as many of the present species of native trees and grasses as possible.


  • Conversely those choosing open grassed areas will be free to create variety in terrain and design unique landscapes.

To assist you in beginning your step by step process to become a resident of Paradise Valley or any other of our communities, we invite you to visit our website at:

Explore our range of  HOME BUILD options available  
with our division, 
AVIDA HOMES.  Visit us here. 

CONTACT US to Begin Building

Your Dream Home Today

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